100% Recycled 1.25L BOTTLES
Noticed anything new on shelves recently? Our 1.25L bottle has undergone an exciting transformation. It now features a sleek new shape crafted entirely from 100% recycled plastic. This change isn’t just about looks—it’s another move towards a more sustainable future with significant benefits for the environment.
The switch to 100% recycled PET (rPET) across all our PET bottles in Australia and New Zealand marks a major step forward in our sustainability journey. rPET not only reclaims materials that would otherwise go to waste but is also highly recyclable and maintains the strength and performance standards essential for our Remedy bevvies.
In the last six months (July 24-Dec 24), we’ve reduced our use of virgin plastic by nearly 39 tonnes, reducing resource consumption, minimising landfill waste, and lowering our emissions. By championing resource recovery and sustainable practices, this initiative is truly a win for everyone—and the planet!